Privacy Statement

On this page, you will find Integrata Oy’s privacy statements concerning our customer, marketing, customer service and job applicant data registers, which comply with the sections 10 and 24 of the Finnish Personal Data Act (523/1999).

These terms of use apply to Integrata’s website, the content of the website or the HumHum HR application, and all communication sent via Integrata’s website or the app. By using the website or the app you agree to the following terms. Our subprocessors are listed separately.

Amendments to the terms of use

The terms of use are effective as of March 27, 2018. Integrata reserves the right to unilaterally alter or replace these terms of use. The currently effective terms of use are available on our website at, and the updated versions enter into force at the moment of publication. The terms of use always state the last date of update. The continued use of this website and its auxiliary services is interpreted as an agreement to the updated terms of use.

These terms were last updated on April 1, 2021.

Integrata Oy’s customer and marketing register


Integrata Oy (hereinafter ‘Integrata’)
Business ID: FI22113129
Finlaysoninkuja 21 A
33210 Tampere, Finland

Contact person for register-related matters

Riku Honkanen
Finlaysoninkuja 21 A
33210 Tampere, Finland

Register name

Integrata’s customer and marketing register

Privacy statement in brief

The purpose of processing the register’s data is to facilitate customer service and marketing efforts. The personal data is collected from customer agreements, as well as the website cookies and contact form. In order to offer you services, such as this website, your data may be stored on our partner’s servers, but we do not sell, rent or disclose your data to third parties.

You can prohibit the use of your data for direct marketing by sending us a written request or clicking the relevant link in the marketing email. You are also able to decline the use of cookies on your browser, but it may affect the functions of this website.

The purpose of processing personal data

We process personal data for purposes including but not limited to:

The data content of the register

The register includes information that has been specified in the privacy statements of Google Analytics, HubSpot and Surveypal, which collect the data:

Targeted advertising

Based on your visit on our website, we may target advertising to you through other online services. We have embedded the following third-party tools on our website that may set cookies on your browser:

Regular sources of personal data

Cookies are small text files placed automatically on the computer / main device as the user browses different websites. Our online service uses cookies to enable us to offer services that are as user-friendly and high-quality as possible.

Our website uses HubSpot Analytics and Google Analytics software to collect anonymous statistics about our website users, so that we can improve the quality of our services. These pieces of software save information about which pages you visited on our website, how long you stayed on the website, how you entered our website, and which links you clicked, among other information.

If you wish to prohibit the website from collecting information with cookies, you can decline cookies (most browsers allow users to disable cookies). Please note that if you deny cookies, the website and its related services may not operate properly.

Disclosure of information

In order to provide you with services on our website in the best possible way, we may disclose information to our partners who process your data, only to the extent required to provide these services. Our partners do not use this data for other purposes, nor do they disclose it to third parties. This disclosure of information is based on the data subject’s consent.

Integrata does not sell or rent data to entities outside our register.

Transfer of information outside the European Union or the European Economic Area

Servers or other technical equipment used to process personal data may be owned or controlled by a service provider that has been contracted by the register controller. The data may then be transferred outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, but only to countries that offer an adequate level of protection in the European Commission’s assessment or service providers that use the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission.

You can read more information about the third parties’ data transfer policies via the links below:

Principles of protecting the register

The register is used in an online environment. The register network and the equipment that the register is stored in have been protected and placed in a locked, access-controlled space.

The data is collected into service databases that have been protected with firewalls, passwords and other technical means. Access to the register has been limited to Integrata’s staff or partners that are required to process the register’s data in order to fulfil their responsibilities. Computers are monitored to ensure that unauthorized persons or operators cannot access the register and its data. The employees are bound by the obligation of secrecy. All personal data saved to the register is confidential.

Social media plugins

Integrata’s website might include links and connections to third-party websites, as well as so-called social media plugins (such as Facebook’s community plugins). The use of social media plugins can provide those social media service providers with personally identifiable information.

When you open a plugin, you may allow third-party websites to set cookies on your computer, enabling the administrators of these websites to monitor how you use their social media website if you are logged into that service. The third party’s privacy policies, terms of use and other conditions are applied to the third-party services or applications on Integrata’s website. Integrata bears no responsibility for third-party websites, nor is it responsible for any materials published there or how those materials are used.

Right of access

The data subjects of a personal data register have the right to access their personal data free of charge once a year.

This access request must be sent in writing

Right to rectification

The data subjects of a personal data register have the right to demand the rectification of inaccurate personal data.

This rectification request must be sent in writing

Right to the erasure of personal data

The data subjects of a personal data register have the right to request the erasure of their personal data, if:

The erasure request must be sent in writing to

Integrata Oy’s job applicant register


Integrata Oy (hereinafter ‘Integrata’)
Business ID: FI22113129
Finlaysoninkuja 21 A
33210 Tampere, Finland

Contact person for register-related matters

Riku Honkanen
Finlaysoninkuja 21 A
33210 Tampere, Finland

Register name

Integrata’s job applicant register

The purpose of processing personal data

Personal data is collected and retained for recruitment purposes and recruitment marketing.

The data content of the register

The register includes information that has been specified in the privacy statements of Google Analytics and HubSpot, which collect the data:

Regular sources of personal data

The applicant provides most of the information. However, information about the recruitment process and how well suited the applicant would be for the position is collected during the recruitment process. In addition, the cookie data collected from Integrata’s online services can also be processed.

If you wish to prohibit the website from collecting information with cookies, you can decline cookies (most browsers allow users to disable cookies).

Regular disclosure of information

If the recruitment process includes services from Integrata’s partners, such as aptitude tests, information may be disclosed to those partners. In order to provide you with services on our website in the best possible way, we may disclose information to our partners who process your data, only to the extent required to provide these services. Our partners do not use this data for other purposes, nor do they disclose it to third parties. This disclosure of information is based on the data subject’s consent.

Transfer of information outside the European Union or the European Economic Area

Servers or other technical equipment used to process personal data may be owned or controlled by a service provider that has been contracted by the register controller. The data may then be transferred outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, but only to countries that offer an adequate level of protection in the European Commission’s assessment or service providers that use the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission or Privacy Shield Framework.

You can find more information about the data transfer policies of the third parties that collect data from website from the links below:

Principles of protecting the register

The register is used in an online environment. The register network and the equipment that the register is stored in have been protected and placed in a locked, access-controlled space.

The data is collected into service databases that have been protected with firewalls, passwords and other technical means. Access to the register has been limited to Integrata’s staff or partners that are required to process the register’s data in order to fulfil their responsibilities. Computers are monitored to ensure that unauthorized persons or operators cannot access the register and its data. The employees are bound by the obligation of secrecy. All personal data saved to the register is confidential.

Right of access

The data subjects of a personal data register have the right to access their personal data free of charge once a year.

This access request must be sent in writing

Right to rectification

The data subjects of a personal data register have the right to demand the rectification of inaccurate personal data.

This rectification request must be sent in writing

Right to the erasure of personal data

The data subjects of a personal data register have the right to request the erasure of their personal data, if:
the personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed, or
the data subject withdraws the consent on which the processing was based and there is no other legal basis for the processing.

The erasure request must be sent in writing to

Integrata Oy’s customer service register


Integrata Oy (hereinafter ‘Integrata’)
Business ID: FI22113129
Finlaysoninkuja 21 A
33210 Tampere, Finland

Contact person for register-related matters

Riku Honkanen
Finlaysoninkuja 21 A
33210 Tampere, Finland

Register name

Integrata’s customer service register

The purpose of processing personal data

Personal data is collected and retained for customer service purposes.

The data content of the register

The register includes information that has been specified in the privacy statement of Zendesk, which collects the data:

Regular sources of personal data

The customer agreements or the data subjects themselves provide most of the information. The customer service department receives the personal data provided by the data subjects through electronic messages or telephone calls.

Regular disclosure of information

As a rule, information is not disclosed.

Transfer of information outside the European Union or the European Economic Area

Servers or other technical equipment used to process personal data may be owned or controlled by a service provider that has been contracted by the register controller. The data may then be transferred outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, but only to countries that offer an adequate level of protection in the European Commission’s assessment or service providers that use the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission or Privacy Shield Framework.

You can read more information about the third party’s data transfer policies via the link.

Principles of protecting the register

The register is used in an online environment. The register network and the equipment that the register is stored in have been protected and placed in a locked, access-controlled space.

The data is collected into service databases that have been protected with firewalls, passwords and other technical means. Access to the register has been limited to Integrata’s staff or partners that are required to process the register’s data in order to fulfil their responsibilities. Computers are monitored to ensure that unauthorized persons or operators cannot access the register and its data. The employees are bound by the obligation of secrecy. All personal data saved to the register is confidential.

Right of access

The data subjects of a personal data register have the right to access their personal data free of charge once a year.

This access request must be sent in writing

Right to rectification

The data subjects of a personal data register have the right to demand the rectification of inaccurate personal data.
This rectification request must be sent in writing to

Right to the erasure of personal data

The data subjects of a personal data register have the right to request the erasure of their personal data, if the personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed.

This erasure request must be sent in writing